
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Back-to-School Bags

Our UMW  Lydia's Circle group has taken on a missions project to provide school bags to students - some bags are going to the tornado-torn communities in America and some are going to other countries.  I have been cutting and sewing on these bags.  Our group has completed  more than 100 bags!  These ladies are not all sewers.  I used my quilting tools to cut up all the kits for the bags and passed off 30 kits to the ladies to sew.  I finished the rest of the bags. 

This is the most basic of a pattern and was a pleasure to sew up.  The bags were all made from donated fabrics of cordoroy, home dec and denim.  Jane Hewson found the most charming denim and made up the bags on top. 

This is the "one handle school bag".  The free projects are available for download here:

I love the opportunity to serve humanity in these small ways.  Now back to my irregularly scheduled projects. LOL


  1. What a generous spirit you have Kat! The bags are great!

  2. very unique design! We'd love to feature you on school bags


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