
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Patriotic Ensemble - Part 2

Two more small pieces to share.  The first one is a skinny banner.  I have a special little wall I love to hang seasonal banners.  They are such fun to make.  I even got to use up a leftover roll of binding.

I needed a very small table mat, so I made up this 12 inch block.  This binding was also borrowed from my basket of leftover binding pieces.  You may notice that I lost my star points.  I didn't want to piece the Ohio Star, so I cut squares, pressed them in half on the diagonal and stitched them onto the blue background pieces. Okay, I know that is cheating, but that was my mood at the time.

One more piece of this set to quilt today. I call it the grande finale!

1 comment:

  1. I drafted the star from Friday's post. It was fun to do! Now to find the time to actually sew it!


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