
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Scraphappy Saturday - Red

When I sorted out my red scrap bin I must have felt very distracted.  So many pieces, but I just couldn't bring myself to make the crumb blocks   .....  maybe saving those for another week, there is still time.

I did get the 16-patch scrappy star block together. Only 4 more months, and it will be a whole quilt.

I am linking up to Soscrappy, where you can see what everyone else is doing with their red scraps and   Have yourself a Happy Day.


  1. What a fantastic idea this is for the rainbow challenge...I'm lovin' it!!

  2. I love how the star pops in your blocks. I can't wait to see your finished quilt.

  3. Beautiful block. I can't wait to see your finished quilt.

  4. WOW! really pretty, Kat! Your Rainbow quilt will be lovely I'm sure...hugs, Julierose

  5. So, I tried a block and couldn't stop making them!! What fun. Mine are all green. They are just as lovely
    in red!

  6. Very pretty. I love the pattern!

  7. I have been loving your star blocks. Can't wait to see them all together.

  8. Oh my this is going to look so good!

  9. Great star block. Yes I can not get into crumb blocks yet. Once I start them I have trouble stopping crumbs too.

  10. Love the way the white looks in a sea of red. Still plenty of time to play with crumbs.

  11. Love that block. That's going to be a gorgeous rainbow quilt after 4 more months.

    I like making crumb blocks but it does take a certain mind set to get started. But, once started I can't stop. It usually helps me to have an idea of what I'm going to do with the crumb blocks before I get started.

  12. I think I may have to copy this block next year. I just love that white star peeking out each month.


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