
Monday, October 21, 2013

Crossword Quilt

Our challenge at quilt guild is to design a quilt around  the story in a childrens book.  Everyone who chose to take on this challenge was given  a different book.  In December, the books and quilts will be gifted to children at the local hospital.

My childrens book is called  Cassie's Word Quilt by Faith Ringgold.  The only thing I could envision was a crossword quilt.  DH worked out the crossword for me,  I tweaked it a bit and turned it into this design.  It is very cool.  I was stitching the squares together this past Saturday at a ladies craft retreat.  It was a huge attention grabber which just added to my enthusiasm of the day.

So here is my progress so far.... the center is nearly sewn together.  Just a few more rows to join and 2 borders to add.  All these words were a part of the book.

This is what's on my design wall today.  I'm linking up with Judy over at Patchwork Times where you can see all the other creativity going on today.


  1. This is so creative! I love it. ~Melanie

  2. I think the children's book theme is wonderful! (I'm a librarian as well as a quiltmaker.) Your crossword puzzle is very clever.

  3. What a clever challenge - love the idea and love your quilt.

  4. What a great challenge and gifting project. I love the idea of a crossword, something I have never mastered.

  5. Love the challenge, and love the quilt!

  6. I LOVE your idea, and would like to use it to make a graduation quilt for dgd. What size did you make the blocks? and how did you get the lettering on the white blocks? Thanks for your help.


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