
Monday, October 14, 2013

Four Patch Posy

Saturday I took part in a workshop that demonstrated the 4-Patch Posy technique.  It was lots of fun as each block is a new discovery.  Now I find myself looking at each print fabric as a possible contender for the kaleidescope block (like I didn't know that would happen) .  Lol

I made (6) - 10 inch blocks  and (21) - 6 inch blocks.  The next step will be to determine a possible layout and complimentary fabrics to use with the blocks.  Here they are on the design wall.....

The blocks look really busy together and I plan to calm them down with some space separating them.  I am linking up at  Judy's  blog where you can see what everyone else is working on today.


  1. Making the 4-Patch Posy blocks is so much fun! A surprise with every combination! Your blocks are great!

  2. Love these blocks! I will have to try this sometime.

  3. They are so great! This is a pattern I have yet to make - and we teach it to our classes - go figure (my Mom has all the samples).

  4. These are great fun. I did these in the one and only swap I joined.

  5. ooh how pretty! I love these types of quilt.

  6. I have never seen or heard of the four patch posy but I love what I am seeing on your wall.


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