
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Planning for RSC14

'inspiration only, this is NOT my quilt'

I have been saving up ideas and inspiration for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2014 for several months!  Initially I was saving them in a folder on my computer ................ until ........................ it occurred to me to make a Pinterest page to collect the designs.

Here is my RSC14 page on Pinterest ..
SO MANY IDEAS !  Some of the links were shared by our RSC host, Angela.

I still haven't narrowed down my choices for 2014 challenge yet. It will probably depend on the shapes and color range in my scrap bins.  I keep  ALL  shapes and sizes because I love to paper piece. The photo above is an example of free-form strippy blocks which seems like a stress-free process to clean out a scrap bin.

I am linking up with Angela over at Soscrappy where we can share our soscrappy inspirations.


  1. I love that scrap idea...good for all scrap sizes!

  2. What a wonderful rainbow scrap quilt! Narrowing down choices this year is going to be so hard!

  3. Oh I love what you are planning. I went over to Pinterest and started following your board...and then ended up following all of your boards.

  4. I will be looking at your board - thanks for sharing! I am having a hard time deciding with way too many ideas.

  5. I was doing so good getting stuff done and then I followed your link to Pinterest and one thing led to another. What a great board for the rainbow quilts. Loved the stars.

  6. So many more ideas. I am sure I have enough scraps to make lots of quilts. Thank you for sharing.


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