
Monday, January 13, 2014

A Crop of Coasters

During the snow storm and frigid cold last week, I went to work making 48 coasters.  It wouldn't seem like a daunting task except no yardage was harmed in the process. I fussed through all the scrap bins and drawers cutting pieces that would be happy together.  I sorted them into sets of eight and they are all washed and ready to gift.  A family member had asked for a set. I seem to do everything in excess, and I made 6 sets.  I wish family would ask for more quilted items.  I like to customize their gifts.

I'm linking up with Judy at Patchwork Times where you will see what other creative quilters are up to.

1 comment:

  1. I may break down and make some of these after seeing yours and the ones on Sue Dario's blog too. Hum, maybe a nice retreat gifty.


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