
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Scraphappy Saturdays - January blues 2

I spent more days this week sewing from the blue scrap bin.  I experimented with the kaleidoscope block design and my special rulers, just to see what I would end up with.  Both of my experiments were not totally successful, but I will keep them going anyway.

My goal was to get a 12-1/2 inch block.  What I got was an 11-1/2 inch block.  and don''t look too closely at the center join - it just didn't work for me. Let's see if I can quilt that one out.  LOL

11-1/2 " square

Then I went for some miniatures.  This not so pretty block will finish at a 6 inch square. Next time I will make a 4-fabric stripset, but the center came out well.

I do intend to make a quilt from these kaleidoscopes.  I plan to square them up with corner triangles and put them into a setting - maybe combining the two sizes?  I do love a design challenge.  I will be continuing this theme throughout the color changes of the RSC14.

I am linking up with Angela at Soscrappy, where you can see what other creative quilters are doing with their scrap challenge.


  1. The nice thing about working with scraps is that there is no guilt if things don't work out just right.

  2. It is hard to get those centers to come together without a wad of fabric distorting it. I just paper pieced this type of block and hope to start quilting it once my thread arrives. Mine will be a Quilt of Valor. I hope that you finally come up with a combination that pleases you, but I like how these turned out! Thanks for tutorial on the reverse starburst, I have decided to start a second challenge quilt to use more scraps.

  3. Your kaleidoscope blocks are looking terrific! I like the idea of combining different size blocks in one project.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Fantastic job! You can link up with Angie also

  6. Your kaleidoscope blocks look so complicated to make. We'll done, they look great.

  7. I have trouble with those centres too

  8. Your blog post title caught my eye. I'm working on Jan Blues too but they are kitty blocks ;-).
    Keep in going with your kaleidoscope blocks, they will make a great quilt.

  9. Oh, different size kaleidoscope blocks are a great idea. I haven't had trouble with the centers until the last one which I redid three times!

  10. Those center look very tricky... I have a hard enough time with pinwheel centers. Pretty blocks!

  11. So pretty. Challenging blocks like this are always fun. I don't know if I'm brave enough to try it.

  12. You could always frame them to make them the size you want! Scraps are so fun to play with.


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