
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Scraphappy Saturday - March Teals 1

I trampled through my stash, looking for teals.  I remember the batch of dull, blue-grayish teals that I have. They are more than a bit drab, but I thought that's what I would have to use. When I dug into the blue scrap bin full of small pieces, I found some snippets of bright aquas that I had put aside with other bright colors for childrens quilts.  Eureka, I could borrow some of those.

I had a late start today, so I settled for making the kaleidoscope blocks.  After painstaking care, they came out a different size........again.  The large one actually came out 12-1/2".  Yay.  The little one came out 5-3/4" while I was looking for 6-1/2".  The center connection was also a bust.   So I see I will have to do alot of creative framing to be able to fit these all into the same quilt.  I do love a challenge!

The coloring in my photos are not coming out just right.  So when you see blue, just imagine aqua.

So,  is 'teal' a shade from the green family and 'aqua' a shade from the blue family??? I have no seagreen teals .... they are all an offspring of blue.  I am linking up with Angela at Soscrappy where you'll see what everyone else is making up with their teals.  What is your thoughts on the difference between teals and aquas??  Please leave me a comment.

Have a great weekend and thanks for visiting.


  1. Your piecing is wonderful. Can't wait to see how your going to put the two sizes together.

  2. It's always so difficult to fit that many seams into such a small space. Can't wait to see how the two sizes work together in one quilt.

  3. Those are beautiful They look difficult. I plan to make this an aqua/turquoise/teal month as I keep these scraps together in a box.

  4. Heck...I need to get going! I haven't even looked yet!!!'re off to a great start!

  5. Very nice Kat. When I first started with the RSC a couple of years ago I used to over-think the colour thing, I always wondered about indigo and violet. So I'd better not get started on teal and aqua.

  6. Great start on the blue-greens! So sad the sizes are a little off, but I am sure you will make it all work out in the end.

  7. Very pretty blocks! I'm in the same boat as you, I'm not sure what's aqua and what's teal, I've been going by what's not green and not blue in choosing my scraps.

  8. Your blocks are so pretty! In my mind I see aqua as the lighter value version of teal but no reason for it! Like Kate, anything between green and blue works for me!


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