
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Scraphappy Saturday - Purples 1

I opted to make the kaleidoscope blocks first, since I didn't have alot of time.  I didn't think I had alot of purples, but actually I have enough scraps, just not much variety.  I spent some time gathering and sorting them out.

Success with the join in the center is always hit or miss for me, mostly miss.  I am growing weary of these blocks already.  Their finished size is also hit or miss. LOL My camera has a problem photographing purples - they always look like blues.  The royal blue strip here is actually a deep purple.  Oh dear, I don't mean to sound like alot of whinning but .........

I thought about trying out a 6-wedge kaleidoscope with the 60 degree ruler, but there might be a problem integrating the 8-wedge and 6-wedge blocks into the same quilt. I'm linking up with Angela at Soscrappy for the RSC14 weekly challenge.

Next up, need to decide on a block for the row quilt.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Whine away - there's no reason to stay with a block that is not making you happy! Use these for a small runner or maybe pillows and find a different project that makes your heart sing!

  2. Yes, the blocks can be used in another project, find something that makes you happy.

  3. Alrighty!!! Your yummy purples turned out great!

  4. I think you purple blocks are great but if you decide to use the kaleidoscope in another pattern what about something on the style of Freeform Quilts?

  5. The purple kaleidoscope block looks great . I know what you mean about the seams in the centre. There's so much fabric in a small space. If the block doesn't work on the front of a quilt it can always work it's way onto the back. I've often used extra blocks on the back of a quilt. It's fun to work out a quilty type of backing.

  6. Pretty blocks. I have the same problem with purple photographing as blue.

  7. They're lovely, but if you don't like them, definitely go with something new!

  8. Sometimes the centers go together very easily for me and other times I have big problems. I think I've found that if I make sure the fabrics are cut EXACT and I use a scant 1/4 seam they work out best. With piecing the fabrics together sometimes the wedges aren't all EXACT I've found.

    I think when you get them all together no one will even notice any problems with the centers or anything else except for you.

    If you are tired of them already they might make a nice pillow or hotpads for Christmas gifts!

  9. Beautiful blocks. When I tire of blocks before I make enough for a quilt top, I either make a baby quilt or piece them into the backing of a scrap quilt.


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