
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Scraphappy Saturday - Greens 1

I decided to make the green blocks for the row quilt first. Why did it take all Friday afternoon to choose and trim the pieces for 8 blocks and only half the time to sew them together?  I have to say my green row is pretty drab looking.  Maybe I should remember to toss in a dab of white next time.  I am delighted with my other rows so far, so hoping this one will fade deep into the background when the quilt is all together.... or I  would have to talk myself into making a different one.

I am linking up with Angela at Soscrappy where you will find lots of other quilters making things with their greens.

Have a happy weekend and thanks for stopping by!


  1. The planning and prepping stage is always the most time consuming. So much auditioning before the final selection is made. Your greens will provide a "rest spot" for the eyes in your row quilt. The bright yellow and oranges may just be a perfect lead in to another row. I guess what I'm trying to say is give green a chance. It will all be good.

  2. I love that block. So many possibilities...

  3. I wouldn't give up on your row until you see it with the others. It is always amazing how variety adds interest to quilts. In any case, you put some scraps to great use.


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