
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Scraphappy Saturday - Greens 2

I spent a couple afternoons sorting and cutting my green scraps into practical sizes and bagging them.  There was a basket of odd shaped pieces leftover.  I spent some time sewing those into wonky log cabin blocks. Then I moved on to making a batch of skinny rails for borders.  I also dug into the 1-1/2" strip bag to make more skinny rails.

I have small drawers which hold the larger pieces of scraps, i.e. FQ size or so.  I cut a couple sets of delectable mountain blocks --- the beginning of a scrappy mountain majesties quilt.

Each new month hereafter, I think I will try to get control of the scrap drawer, sorting and trimming  the pieces to usable sizes.  We'll see how that works out for me, for now.

In the meantime,  this is what I put together with my greens this week..............  I made a bad choice with my first delectable mountain block, the medium green in the background is TOO DARK.  I'll be pulling that out for something else.

I'm linking up with Angela at Soscrappy for the RSC14 Rainbow Challenge.  You will find lots of other creative projects linking up over there.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Not a bad choice at all! Reminds me of Spring and St Patrick's Day!

  2. I like the greens. You never know what will work in the finished quilt. Extras are always nice to have on hand in any case. Great job on getting your green scraps tamed this month. It does seem more manageable to just focus on one color at a time.

  3. Great use of scraps. Wait until you get all the blocks finished before you decide to take that one out. I 'll bet it will look good when all is said and done.

  4. Maybe you can use the darker green blocks on the back of the quilt if they don't work into the front at some point. Fun blocks!

  5. I think your medium green is a good contrast to the light green of the other block. I'd make a few more blocks similar to balance the block you don't like. That would give your quilt more depth. I really like the Delectable Mountain blocks.

  6. Like your plan to tame the scraps - one month at a time!

  7. I don't mind the brighter block.
    You will just have to make more...

  8. Love the majestic mountains or "passion peaks". Great use of the scraps!

  9. Some months last year, I would pull the un trimmed scraps for each color and tidy them up. I'm not doing as well keeping up this year, but it's not so bad since the backlog was cleared last year!

  10. All your green blocks look great! I have not been keeping up. There has not been much sewing time here lately.

  11. That's a GREAT idea for those blocks!

  12. Great job organizing. I like the mountain blocks... maybe make some more darker ones in other colors and have them on one side (top or side) as 'night time' in the mountains?


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