
Saturday, February 18, 2017

RSC17 - February greens

I'm afraid I didn't find any sea greens in my stash.  So, rather than go out and buy some,  I elected to work with aqua.   I don't have alot of aqua either,  but enough to put my project pieces together.  If Angela calls aqua as a color in a future month this year,  I'll just have to come up with another compromise.  LOL

Here are project parts for February,  the Over 60's block, with hand embroidery waiting to be done; some churn dash blocks, a crayon and some blocks for my newest start, titled elsewhere as Hidden Gems.  Right now I'm calling it 20 Triangles,  not very catchy eh?

I'm linking up with Angela at Soscrappy today.  Be sure to visit there to see what other quilters are creating with their  'sea green'  fabrics.

Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. This is a beautiful design wall... love your blocks!

  2. Those are pretty! I love the Hidden Gems blocks - or 20 triangles?! I'll remember that it takes 20 triangles to make them now!

  3. You have a great wall of aqua. Love that Over 60's block. Is there a pattern somewhere on the Net that I could get? Hidden Gems is the name I gave to my quilt. The first quilt I did with that block is called Pinwheels Square Dancing as the wheels go in and out of the coloured square. Since I still haven't found the name of that block, Hidden Gems is a good a name as any. Enjoy! ;^)

  4. Beautiful blocks. I use what I have when Angela calls for an aquamarine/aqua/turquoise type of month. Just use what I have .... which is mostly turquoise shades.

  5. Oh so pretty! You've got a great start - way ahead of me!

  6. Your blocks are all awesome! I really love those pinwheel blocks!! Sea green is just another (but somewhat confusing) name for aqua, so it’s all good. This is the month we use our teals, aqua (aquamarine), sea green, and any color that fits into the NotQuiteGreenbutNotQuiteBlue category! Check out the RSC17 tab in Angela’s blog; she listed the colors she will call near the end of that post. She also “revised” the February color name to aqua. :-) Hope that helps.

  7. Love the pinwheel blocks in that setting. I guess we're all doing crayons, using lots of scraps. Have a good stitching week.

  8. These are so pretty altogether, I'm sure you are good for the year, but you might have to go out and get more teal/aqua, blue/green for future RSC's.

  9. What a great design wall of teal! I believe you are all set - Angela listed all the colors that will come up this year on her blog tab =).

  10. I am impressed. For someone who didn't have much in the teal aqua department, you came up with some great blocks!

  11. I really like that Over 60's Block! All Of your blacks are so pretty. But that one looks like it took a lot of work!

  12. You've accomplished a lot for not having much in the color of the month!

  13. These blocks look awesome! It's hard to come up with names for quilt blocks, I think!

  14. I love your pinwheel blocks. The wall is lovely in this unifying fun color.


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