
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Over 60's - yellow & OMG

It's time to commit my One Monthly Goal project for July.  I need to get the hand embroidery done on the yellow Over 60's block, which is one of my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects.

Linking up with :             Connie at Freemotion By The River

        and                           Patty of Elm Street Quilts for OMG

and Saturday                              Angela of Soscrappy

Be sure to visit these sites to see what other creative quilters are sharing today.

Thanks so much for stopping by  and  Happy 4th of July !


  1. Love these blocks with the hand embroidery. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  2. Love that block! Good luck with your OMG.

  3. That block is not as complicated as I first thought, lovely. BTW, I inadvertently used your name in my post, but I have since replaced it with the correct one. Also, reading About You, did you ever do Mercy SHIPS? My daughter did years ago in Africa as a nurse.

  4. The hand embroidery adds so much to the quilt block. Lovely.

  5. The blocks are beautiful. Good luck finishing your OMG.

  6. Slow Stitch Sunday is coming. Enjoy your embroidery! Looking forward to seeing your block done in BLUE.

  7. This is so beautiful and what a clever idea for the Rainbow challenge. You are going to wind up with a gorgeous piece of work. I envy those perfect points!

  8. These blocks are coming out great I've enjoyed seeing yours so much that I bought the pattern. Of course, I'm getting so much pleasure from seeing you make them, I'll probably never make them myself.


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