
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Creating a scrap users system ...................

Preparing fabric scraps for more efficient use in 2018,   I'm trying to create a system that will work for me.  I wish I took a photo of the bin before I attacked it with iron and scissors and go cutter.

I  kept my larger pieces of scraps , up to a FQ  in the skinny drawers and the loose bits of pieces, strips and strings in the larger bin, sorted by color family.

Now I'm trying to make my own pre-cuts and organize them in an easily usable system.  I thought of keeping little dividers in the bin to keep the pre-cuts separated,  but now I'm wondering if it will work better if I keep the pre-cuts in the skinny drawers and the bigger pieces in the bin.  I think I'll try that.

At this point, I tossed the strings, anything skinner than 2 inches,  into a bag.  I will collect them there, maybe one bag for warm colors and one bag for cool colors.
This system will be a work in progress , just like my sewing work room seems to be.

Here is the small bin,  2 - 1/2 inch strips,  2 inch strips,   2-1/2 inch squares,  2-1/2 inch hst units and 2 inch squares; the large bin has bits separated in the front and the pile of larger pieces & near FQ size just behind it.  I intend to spend some more time on the larger pile and cut up the unusual shapes.
(P.S.  if the strip is shorter than 1/2 WOF i.e. 20 inches,  should I cut it up into squares?)

Here is some pre-cuts for 2018 projects.......  3-1/2 inch squares for a scrappy 9-patch chain and lots of QST units for  Bonnie Hunters 'Hourglass' - the  L/E project of 2016

I also have alot of odd sized strip - set leftovers, which I'm not good at tossing out and  haven't figured out how to use them yet.  Here is the green collection..................  What would you do with these?

I invite your suggestions to help me make it a useful system. 

 I started with the green bin, to  get a feel of how to approach this process.  I plan to use the RSC18 challenge to work thru the rest of the color bins.  By fall, I should have it totally under control.  LOL  I also have last years RSC projects to finish, need more blocks to add to the churn dash quilt and many more blocks to add to my 20 Triangles quilt, more crayons, more ......  I hope my only new add project for RSC18 is the Hourglass.

Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. My sewing room is also always a work in progress - I had to laugh when you wrote that! I'm impressed with your cutting and organizing project, Kat. I have just been storing my scraps by color and cutting them up when I need a piece for something. I guess with a system like you're working on, you'll be storing them by size. That sounds workable, too!

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  3. I use the Bonnie Hunter Scrap Savers System. You can find it on her website or blog in the tabs. Your system sounds a lot likes hers. I keep 1.5", 2" and 2.5" strips. Bonnie says if it's longer than 18", use it as a strip. I sort my 2" and 2.5" strips as darks and lights. I don't get as many 1.5" so I just save them in one bin. My strips start out in the bins that are made to fit in a sink. Once that is full they get transferred to a very large storage bin, I think it's 18 gallon. I haven't quite filled those up yet! I also cut down scraps to rectangles and squares also. Bonnie has a great pattern for using 3.5"x6.5" rectangles called Bricks and Stepping Stones. I use it a lot for charity quilts and substitute just a plain square rather than a four patch.
    Good luck with your sorting/organizing! There isn't just one system of scrap sorting; lots of people do it by color and other ways. You just need to find which one fits you. I hope you get lots of comments with lots of ideas!

  4. Looks like a great system. I like the idea of having strips that have a minimum length. I think I'm going to add 1.5 and 1 in strips. I still remember seeing a log cabin block, maybe 15 years ago and it was the most beautiful block I've ever seen, logs finished at half an inch. I do want to try that some day....not sure if 2018 will be the year. Thanks for the inspiration Kat, I think I just might be cutting up some scraps for 2018 quilting, need to make up for my lack of quilting in 2017!! Happiest of New Years to you and yours!

  5. That looks similar to some of my pre-cuts. I have too many drawers of fabric. I'm using a challenge to go through and organize the drawers and see if that will help me use them more. I'll probably make a block from that drawer when I'm finished for the RSC. So many plans. Guess I should consider doing something in the studio on New Years Eve. We are staying in out of the cold and off the roads. Have fun. Happy New Year

  6. Making your own pre-cuts seems like a good plan to me. You have to keep us posted on how it works through the year. Happy new year!

  7. Kat- use your strips sets to make 9 patch units for RSC or centers of blocks. I try to do that but the scraps out number me!!!Lorri2R

  8. I keep trying to get a system in place... but it never seems to happen. Good luck and I think your goal of working through the colors with the RSC is a great one.

  9. organizing is almost as much fun as sewing to me.
    As to my org. I sort all small pieces by color because that's how I use them. the blue bin holds squares, triangles, weird shapes, every shape. I don't do blocks that often. I do keep some precuts together that are mixed colors. I have a wonderful little box of 2" squares to create watercolor backgrounds.

  10. You might try making little scrappy 9 patches? Your system looks like it would work great...hugs, Julierose

  11. Organizing will be a GREAT way to make the RSC18 work for you!! Best of luck on your other rainbow projects, too.

  12. I am doing mine similar to yours except I am doing 2-1/2" squares and strips, 5" squares and strips and 10" squares and strips. I am taking the leftovers from that and putting them in separate bins for string quilts, fabric bowls, and smaller pieces for Bottled Rainbow Quilts. Like you, mine is a work in progress. I started the process with RSC one year and was doing really well and somehow I fell off the wagon. I will continue this year until I get all of my scraps in useable pieces. Good luck with your adventure. I think you will like the outcome.

  13. My very best suggestion is as soon as you are finished, I could use some help over here. 😁😁😁

  14. I began cutting scraps into standard shapes before I met Bonnie. I cut them as I generate them, pretty much. I'd take those green pieces and sew them together mile-a-minute style, then set them aside. When other chunks and strips sets accumulate do the same thing. Eventually there will be several good-sized (20" x 20"???) pieces that you can sew together as an improv quilt.

  15. Enjoy your organizing process. My scrap user system keeps evolving as well. I’m always trying out new projects to use up certain types of scraps, but unfortunately, that leads to lots of new projects. Have you tried slab piecing. It is a sun way to sew all those extra bits together to make fabric. The are great for placemats, mini quilt or just monochromatic quilt blocks.

  16. My sewing room is always a WIP as well. I am also going through my fabric using the RSC colors this year....great minds ;) I am cutting 1.5, 2, 2.5s if it's smaller than a F8. F8 and up go on a shelf sorted by color. As to your strip sets, maybe measure them then square them all down and sash for a charity quilt? Good luck this year :D


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