
Saturday, January 20, 2018

RSC18 - Scrappy blues

I have a few unfinished RSC projects from years past, but none needed blue units,  so I only worked on my RSC project for 2018,  Bonnie Hunter's  Scrappy Hourglass project.

I used the go cutter in the scrap bins, which made easy work of these units.  Here are my 36 units.  I dont know how many I'll  need of each color.  I will figure that out as I go along.

I'm linking up with  Angela of  Soscrappy today  and tomorrow I'll share with Cynthia for Oh Scrap.

Be sure to visit these sites to see what other creative quilters are sharing today.

Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. So many pretty blues. Looks like you are off to great start on your 2018 project

  2. Cute little hourglass blocks! Love the blues.

  3. I love blue and white lately so much--this is lovely--you have a whole lot of richly hued blues in there..nice work hugs, Julierose

  4. P.S. why am I having problems leaving comments these days--I have to go to google each this something new I missed while I've been sick? thanks Julierose

  5. This is such a lovely collection of blue and white hourglass blocks.

  6. I like that block - so many possibilities!

  7. That looks like a great project for your BLUE scraps!! I'll be looking forward to seeing the next color, too.

  8. I like your hourglasses. One day I'd like to make a blue and white quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Sounds like your Go cutter is really useful for making blocks like these! I like how these hourglass blocks are coming together!

  10. What a great idea for RSC18. It will be fun to see them in all the different colors. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  11. These look like fun. They'll look great in a quilt.


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