
Monday, November 5, 2018

Child Quilts - 3 finishes

This will be a mini quilt show of child quilts finished.  I wanted to add to my stash of child quilts for a special friend who wants to pick 6 of them to gift to her great grands.

First up  is my version of the Mary's Strippie from  I consider this a UFO finish because I cut the kit for it last Nov or Dec?   This pattern is so fun to practice your FMQ on.  I call this one Mary's Strippie 18-4 because it is the 4th one this year.  It gets tiresome to come up with names for so many quilts.  It finishes at  46 x 54.

and my favorite vision is always the back ............................
notice my sheltie puppy "Kelsey"  is peeking her head in the photo.  I've not been able to get a good full pic of her yet, she won't stay still long enough

next up  is  what I call the Pink & Black strip n flip.  I saw a similar version on a blog somewhere and made up my own dimensions.  This one finished at 38 x 46.  Backed with fleece.

Finally,  this is the Pathways quilt,  a free pattern on by Angela Walters.  Naturally, I also adjusted the size of this one ...  46 x 54.   It is backed with a soft blue and white flannel.  I quilted it allover with overlapping circles.

Happy finishes, all washed, dried and fluffy. 

If you're in the U.S,  be sure to cast your vote tomorrow!   Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. Oh, Kat, they are all lovely, but I especially love the quilting on the 18-4---GORGEOUS. Your quilting skills are growing by leaps and bounds!!


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