
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Quilt 4 Kids 19 - 9 and 19-10

Used the same free motion quilting design on these.  THey are both identical, so only posting one full pic.  These are my two quilt for kids done for May, and with 3 days to spare !  Kelsey got her back end in the pic too.  This is a free pattern I've shared before... created by Preeti of Sew Preeti Quilts.  You can get your own copy  HERE .  Scroll down a bit.

Here is the fleece backing. Chose the colors for the top based on the backing.  I seem to be doing that with these batches of kids quilts.

and here is the two quilts together,  they are identical, right up to the binding.

I'm linking up with ....................

Be sure to visit these sites to see what other creative quilters are sharing today.  
Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. Whenever you make a new "KISS" quilt, I know about it due to the increased traffic to the tutorial :-) Thank you so much girl friend. I appreciate the shout-out, every single time. The bright colors will bring comfort and joy, wherever this quilt goes. Hugs to you!!!

  2. I love the design, great job on the finishes.

  3. Wow! You sure finish these fast. Congrats on making your goal for May! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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