
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Quilts 4 Kids 19-7 and 19-8

Still keeping with my personal goal of 2 quilts 4 kids per month.  I have already decided to change this goal to 1 larger teen quilt per month for next year.

Okay,  these are # 7 and # 8  finished.  Not thrilled with these.  Hoping some child will love them.  Fortunately the 2 kits for May are much brighter looking.

and the back .....................

and the back ...........................

I'm linking up with :

Be sure to visit these sites to see what other creative quilters are sharing today.
Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. Those are going to be great for comforting kids and I totally don't blame you for switching next year's goal!!!

  2. both great quilts for some one that needs them

  3. While you may not be thrilled about these, I can envision two children who will cherish them and snuggle with them. I think they look great!

  4. A couple of great finishes Kat!

  5. Awesome goal to make 2 quilts for kids each month! My Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt is destined to be donated to Quilts for Kids. I'm not as prolific as you are, though!

  6. What a great goal. I know some child is going to love them, and know that they are loved in return. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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