
Saturday, July 13, 2019

RSC19 Blues & Orange

I got Just a little bit behind with my RSC projects, but as of today, caught up and ready for pink. My design wall is pretty much full.  A few more months and ready to put these quilts together.  The Time will go fast.

I'm linking up with the all-time instigator of the RSC Challenge, Angela of Soscrappy and with Cynthia for Oh Scrap on Sunday.   Be sure to visit these sites to see what other creative quilters are sharing today.

Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. Looking good! Love the zig zag blocks.

  2. it's good to be caught up with the colors - your design was is fun

  3. Lovely blocks and it's going to be such a pretty quilt!

  4. Great grouping; love those little rails...hugs, Julierose

  5. Those zigzag blocks are great - they look like different sizes of rickrack! Great job getting caught up!

  6. I thought those were reds, Must have reds on my mind. great blocks

  7. Your design wall looks AWESOME!! I'm sure you are pleased to be caught up. Best of luck with your PINK sewing, too!

  8. Your blocks are looking amazing. Great job getting caught up. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!


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