
Monday, December 9, 2019

Stockings 2019

I have been off the machine quilting circuit these last 2 weeks ….. making Christmas stockings.  I've made 10 stocking bodies, 6 are finished with cuffs and names 'manually' embroidered with the satin stitch.  We've had several new dogs join our family this year and these stockings are for them.  I put the names on both sides of the cuff so they could face either direction.  The names that once were typical for dogs way back when ....  seems to have changed.  I feel like I cheated by replacing patchwork stockings with a pretty fabric print.  That helped it get done faster as I got to it so late in the year.

I'm lnking up with

Wednesday  -  Quilt Fabrication
and                         The Inquiring Quilter      

Friday    -   Alycia Quilts

have a great weekend.  Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. Very pretty stockings--you made a LOT of them!;))) The pooches will love it..hugs, Julierose

  2. No need to make excuses - they look great!

  3. I love it!!! WE had to add a stocking too - but yours are waayyyy cuter!

  4. Awwww. Cute little stockings for the doggies. I'm sure they are eagerly awaiting their treats! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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