
Saturday, February 29, 2020

RSC 2020 - Orange & greens

Just getting started with my oranges.  Is it still February??  I have one scrappy block put together and several pieces cut for more blocks.

Here I set it together with last month's block, these are not sewn together, just overlapping on the edge.

Here's more green blocks, not sure where i'm going with this,  the double pinwheels are made in 9 inch and 12 inch sizes.

and finally my very favorite 12 inch block .............

I'm linking up with  Soscrappy  today and  Oh Scrap tomorrow.  Be sure to visit these sites to see what other creative quilters are sharing.

Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. I love all of your scrappy blocks! The Scraptastic Stars have been a favorite design for a couple of years (I need to finish my quilts from this pattern.) Great pinwheel blocks too!

  2. I love those happy stars! The orange one looks so nice and festive.

  3. Very pretty star in the "fresh" (squeezed lol) looking orange and white...hugs, Julierose

  4. Love your orange star block. So full of energy. Love the last picture too. Looking forward to more of it. ;^)

  5. and I was thinking your stars were better than mine LOL that last block is really cool.

  6. You're finding some great block ideas, Kat! They'll be pretty in every color!

  7. Looking forward to seeing these blocks in other colours! You have a great collection.

  8. You've got some AWESOME blocks on the go for the RSC!! SEW glad that you managed a bit of ORANGE sewing for February.

  9. Terrific blocks. You have some really great oranges there. Hope you are doing well.

  10. That star block is one of my favorites. Looking good!

  11. Your blocks are all amazing. In fact, I wish I had never seen that last pinwheel block - I want to run to my scrap bins and start cutting :)

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  12. Seeing the two scraptastic blocks together shows the white patches clearly -- I can now envision the chains they will create. Time for teal!


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