
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Scrap Snap 2020 - pinks

I shamefully jumped into this scrappy project with credit/blame given to Julie at for instigating several more of us quilters into yet another project.

The project originates here  with Kari of  She provides simple instructions and wonderful examples of colorful quilt layouts !  It really is a simple process,  I got lost along the way and just put them all together into 6-1/2" blocks at random.

These were done so quickly, I've already started cutting for colors that we've already done for RSC this year.  Not sewing them together until I decide on one of the lovely layouts.

I'm linking up with Angela of Soscrappy today and tomorrow with Cynthia of Oh Scrap.  Be sure to visit these sites to see what other creative quilters are sharing.

Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. I take full credit for inspiring (enabling?) you with this project. Your pink blocks look great! They are so quick and fun to make. I've made all my colors and need to do some neutrals for the setting.

  2. I've seen those blocks on Julie's blog, too! They look fun and fast to make - and tempting! I'll have to go look at the layouts.

  3. I saw those Snap Scrap blocks and am seriously considering putting them on next year's RSC project list. You blocks look SEW sweet in PINK!

  4. I saw these blocks too, and I love your pink version, so cute!

  5. I checked out the blocks too earlier but so far have resisted the temptation of starting a new set of RSC blocks. Trying to stay strong here! Lol! That said, your pink blocks are pretty!

  6. This just looks like so much scrappy fun! I might have to join in, too.

  7. I have been finding these blocks tempting too. I live them in pink.

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!


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