
Thursday, September 10, 2020

My Continuum Quilt

 This project was started July 2019.  It is a design by Leonie West of Westalee Design.  She calls it the Continuum Quilt.  It finished at 78 x 86 , totally ruler quilted on my sit down LA .  It is a double sided design, cream on the top and browns on the back.  I had a difficult time getting a good photo, needing 2 tall people here at the same time.  The sun was also fighting the pic, so I was waiting for opportunity for better photo, but that didn't happen,  so here it is, finished last weekend.

It has high loft poly batting,  light gold Omni thread on top and Patriotic Gold Glide thread on the back.  I did a two sided color binding to match each side.

and here is the backside.  The browns are darker in real life with alot of gold elements in the fabrics.  The sun is messing with the tones.

I've been busy making 400 masks for the local school system,  then finishing this quilt, so up to now my blog has been a bit quiet.  But I'm ready to be off and running now ...........

I'm linking up with .............

Wednesday ………..  Quilt Fabrication
                                                                                  The Inquiring Quilter

Thursday ........ For the Love of Geese
                                                             Friday …………. Alycia Quilts

Be sure to visit these sites to see what other quilters are sharing this week.  Thanks so much for stopping by.  Have a safe and happy week.


  1. Due to recent spam surge, I've had to set my comments to moderation. I hope to remove that at a future time.

  2. Fabulous quilting! I didn't know you were such a ruler quilting expert. Lovely. Any time you can share closeup photos would be great.
    Karen O

  3. for the love of texture, that is amazing!!! Are you going to take some close up pics too? I'd love to see those blocks closer. Great job Kat!

  4. Oh this is Just FABULOUS!!! it is gorgeous - and that quilting is truly stunning! Sweet you for making all those masks!! Have you found your favorite pattern for them yet?

  5. It's gorgeous, Kat! Great job. Hope this didn't get submitted twice. Comment disappeared before I finished it, LOL.

  6. Absolutely FANTASTIQUE!! This is a quilting Masterpiece! Congratulations! ;^)

  7. Your quilting on that is just amazing, Kat! Love it, front and back!

  8. This is gorgeous, Kat! I can only imagine how much more spectacular this is in person. Truly stunning!

  9. So beautiful! Great example of ruler work. I need to do that more! Is this QAYG? That would make it doable for me. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  10. Hi Kat, your quilt is really fabulous! Please consider linking up to Free Motion Mavericks. We’d love to have you join the party. Take care.


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