
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Quilt 4 Kids - aqua, purple & yellow

 It was time I finished a UFO.  This one is a quilt 4 kids quilt that was cut as a kit back in 2019, or maybe 2018.  I've lost track.  Anyway,  I quilted it up last year  and left it for  binding.  Now the binding is on, done by machine top and bottom.  I've grown accustomed to the quicker way all by machine, tho I do still sew the bed size quilt bindings down by hand. 

44 x 54

and here is the back,  a soft pretty fleece print; there is also a nice cotton frankenbatt in the middle layer

I'm linking up with Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation today  and Friday with AlyciaQuilts.  Be sure to visit these sites to see what other creative quilters are sharing this week.

Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. Love how this turned out--doesn't it feel great to finish up?? A feeling sorely lacking around here lately!! Well, hoping to change that soon...hugs, Julierose

  2. This looks great. I have a strippy topI just put together -- I think I'll check the flannels to see if anything is the right size and color for the back. Great idea!

  3. Very pretty. The backing fabric is gorgeous.

  4. Some young lady will love the butterflies and the grown-up feel of the front!

  5. Very cute!!! I like machine binding too!


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