
Monday, August 30, 2021

365 Day Quilt Along

 This was a quilt along (last year?) .... quilting a block a day for a full year, ending May 2020.  It was provided by Natalia Bonner of Piece and  When you do all the blocks, it made 7 quilts.  I did them all !  I won this panel from Piece and Quilt.  I made most of my panels and enlarged them with borders.  I stitched this panel last year and set it aside waiting for quilting inspiration for the final border , as it is 10 inches wide.

So now it is finished.  I wanted to keep the design in the border to coincide with the styles in the blocks, which were all done with rulers, so  I kept to straight lines for the border.  I tried to keep it suitable for a male.  I gift most of my quilts, since I make so many  and it's difficult to make them male friendly.  The border fabric is same as the backing, which was a wide back fabric.  The quilt measures 65 x 75 with a double layer of cotton batting.

Natalia Bonner is having a new quilting along, beginning  September 9th.  It is called 9 Patchalong 2.0.  It is an adorable quilt and will be so fun to quilt up.  If you want to join in the fun,  check it out   HERE. .

In the meantime, I'm joining these linky parties this week.  Be sure to visit them to see what other creative quilters are sharing.

Monday   -   Small Quilts & Doll Quilts

Wednesday   -   Quilt Fabrication

The Inquiring Quilter

Thursday   -   My Quilt Infatuation

Friday  -  Alycia Quilts

I wish you a safe and happy week !  Thanks so much for stopping by. 


  1. What a great-looking quilt!

  2. Perfect quilting choice for that last border! This turned out lovely. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. Spectacular quilt finish, Kat!! Thanks for the link to the new quilting along event.

  4. Great looking quilt and the border quilting is perfect for this

  5. That is a cool quilt! but wait - you kept up for a whole year - that!! is amazing!!! congrats!!


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