
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Snowman table mats

 I just finished these pretty little mats.  They measure about 16 inches across.  Binding 60 degree mitres for the hexagon shape is a nuisance on small items.  

I used the gocutter dies for the half circles, eyes, carrot nose and snowflake.  I winged it for the background shape to work on.  Actually I sized a hexagon template in EQ, printed it out, folded the printout in half and folded my fabric strip in half.  Then  I used a ruler to cut the side angles following the paper template.  Thank goodness for tools of the trade!

They're not gifted yet.  I'm waiting for someone to mention that they like them.  LOL  

In the meantime, I'm joining these fun linky parties.  Be sure to visit them to see what other creative quilters are sharing this week.

Sunday  -  Quilting is more fun than Housework..

Monday   -   Small Quilts & Doll Quilts

Wednesday   -   Quilt Fabrication

The Inquiring Quilter

Thursday   -   My Quilt Infatuation

Friday  -  Alycia Quilts

  Jan 28, 2022    -  The Joyful Quilter

Thanks so much for stopping by !


  1. Those are so cute! I haven't tried binding something that shape - did you get better at those corners as you went along? Someone's bound to want one of them, I'm sure!

  2. Very pretty indeed. I think your snowmen would melt on the table here, we celebrate Christmas in summer time

  3. Ha! My friends and family have all learned not to mention they think one of my quilty items is cute...But I don't make a lot of small items that are as adorable as these. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  4. Kat, they are pretty cute Love them!

  5. Those are SEW darling, Kat!! Anyone would be lucky to have them. I'm glad that you will be linking them to the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge!

  6. I like them! Too, too cute. Thanks for mentioning your method too.

  7. Oh those are adorable!! if you are waiting for a specific person - they better pipe up quick!! I think you will find a LOT of friends who like them ;-)

  8. They are so cute! And, yes, a snowflake die would be a LOT easier than hand-cutting.

  9. These are so precious and your quilting is perfect. They are perfect for winter decorating. Have a wonderful week and happy quilting.

  10. What cute mats! I do love snowmen! I hope you had a terrific Christmas!

  11. Your little snowman mats are adorable, Kat! And yes, I know what you mean about mitering all those corners on a small hexagon. I had the bright idea of making my quilted guild nametag out of a hexagon block and I remember muttering all the swear words and the "what was I thinking" as I was binding that, too! Happy New Year!

  12. Adorable! You'll have takers in no time. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss. Happy New Year!

  13. It won't be long before they are snapped up. Very cute.

  14. Those are so darn cute! They look so much smaller than 16 inches though - I was thinking they were a mug rug until I saw the size.

  15. The binding is right one for those cute placemats. Clever use of the snowmen, too.

  16. Absolute cuteness! Having a go cutter would be helpful! Odd angles can be a problem. Especially when they are little! You did a great job!


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