
Monday, March 28, 2022

Banner for Ukraine

 I have been puttering along with this project over the weekend.  It is a banner to hang outside in support of Ukraine.   It is 26" square.  I wish I had made different choices in the design,  but it is what it is, as they say.  My accuquilt dies made much easy work for me on this one.  I hope to be quilting it today.  I'll add another photo to this post when it's done.

The inspiration is from a monthly tablescraps challenge at The Joyful Quilter.  This month the challenge was to use flowers and also include the RSC montly color which was yellow.  Of course the rules are only suggestions and you are welcome to create a smallish project with whatever makes you happy.  The end of month link up ends today. 

In the meantime, I'm joining my favorite linky parties this week.  Be sure to visit them to see what other quilters are sharing.


Monday   -   The Joyful Quilter

                        Small Quilts & Doll Quilts

Wednesday   -   Quilt Fabrication

The Inquiring Quilter

Thursday   -   My Quilt Infatuation

Friday  -  Alycia Quilts

Update:  April 6, adding pic of  my finished banner.  Mostly I pray for peace for Ukraine.

I wish you a great week.  Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. I love the sunflower center and hour glass border, pretty.

  2. That's so pretty, Kat - perfect for honoring Ukraine! Have fun quilting it!

  3. I love it, Kat.
    Have fun quilting this beauty.

  4. Hi Kat, this piece is so perfect and pretty and meaningful too. Wonderful!

  5. What a lovely banner, Kat!! Thanks for linking with the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge! Looking forward to seeing what you will come up with for PINK and/or WORDS for April.

  6. Hallo Kat,
    das ist ein wunderschöner Block in den Landesfarben der Ukraine geworden.
    In Deutschland hat "Claudia Pfeil" ( ) eine weltweite Aktion ins Leben gerufen. Sie bittet um Blöcke in den Farben blau/gelb und näht daraus mit ihren fleißigen Helferinnen Quilts für die Flüchtlingskinder aus der Ukraine. Vielleicht hast Du aber davon schon gehört.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  7. What a beautiful project. Well done.

  8. Looks great to me, especially the center flower

  9. I think you met this challenge!!! What a pretty banner!!

  10. What a lovely banner! That flower in the center is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  11. The banner is wonderful! I love the sunflower and the hearts. It's been frustrating watching the news of the conflict and praying for a peaceful resolution.


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