
Sunday, May 29, 2022

Hands 2 Help Grand Finale

 Today is the final link up for the Hands 2 Help program.  You can read about it here:

Last week, DH and I delivered 8 quilts to our local Parkview Hospital Ronald McDonald House.  I had 4 of them already finished and waiting for a home.  I also finished 4 more quilts during this challenge.  You can see all my individual posts    HERE  .  

These are the quilts I finished during the Hands2Help campaign:

I'm joining these linky parties this week.  Be sure to visit them to see what other creative quilters are sharing.

                             Sunday   -     The Academic Quilter        

                                                     Quilting is more fun than housework       

Monday   -   Small Quilts & Doll Quilts

        Wednesday   -   Quilt Fabrication

The Inquiring Quilter

Thursday   -   My Quilt Infatuation

Friday  -  Alycia Quilts

I wish you a safe and happy weekend.  Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. Congrats! You make beautiful quilts I especially liked the pink ones.

  2. What a great bunch of donations, Kat!!

  3. Fabulous job. They will be loved and provide comfort.

  4. Fantastic quilts!!!! and Ronald McDonald house!! When my cousins twins were born, they stayed there for quite a while while the boys were still in the hospital - fantastic place!!!

  5. Congrats on donating 8 quilts! Great job. I particularly like the last one in pink and red.

  6. Lovely quilts! You have a generous heart. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


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