
Thursday, April 3, 2014

GFG Baby Quilt 2

I have been working on this little sidekick to the GFG Baby Quilt I shared last week.  I like to gift a 2 piece set for new babies - one that is large enough to carry through toddler life and a smaller one, about 30" square,  handy to toss over baby carriers, strollers or car seats.

and here is the sidekick... it would have been finished but I made a bad choice when quilting the white areas behind the flowers  and  so  I must put the seam ripper into overtime work.  Better hurry, this set is due for next Saturday.

and  here is the back ....... a soft and pretty fleece;  I had an ugly piece of ombre which served as a wonderful binding. I suppose there is a service for everything.

I'm linking up with Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation where you will discover lots of other creative quilters and their projects.

Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. I have problems like that at times, Kat. For me it's always that I don't pin enough before I quilt, and then the seam ripper comes out. I like how you used those hexie flowers. A colorful sidekick.


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