
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday Archives #5 - Backs & Batiks

Today is tuesday archives day - where we dredge (is it dredge or drudge?) up wonderful old posts sitting in the archives; viewed once, then put away on the shelf.  What a nifty idea in recycling.

The theme today is backs and batiks.  I do recall a nice post way back on July 02, 2011 where I shared the back of a string quilt I made.  You will find the post and more photos of the string quilt  HERE .

I don't work with batiks much, but I do have a special quilter friend who loves them.  I made her one of those adorable iron caddys from a piece of batik.  You can read about that project HERE.

I'm linking up with Val's Quilting Studio where you can enjoy lots of other wonderfully creative projects.

Thanks for stopping by.....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kat...I love that ya stop by and thanks for the support!!!


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