
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday Archives #6 - Bindings & Birds

Greetings.  I've done nothing on birds,but I can share a special tale on binding.  Have you ever disliked the effect of a binding color and removed it after the project had been totally finished?

This is the little quilt that got all the attention.................... the brightness of the binding just overpowered it for me.

and so I did unstitch it and replace with a green that would fade into the background. I'm not super crazy about this version either, but it was finished. I should have gone darker.  Are you as picky as me about the final effect of your bindings? 

You can read that post from way back in November of 2012  HERE . I'm linking up with Val's Quilting Studio HERE where you will find lots of other great posts re-surfacing for sharing.  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. WOW!!! What a difference between the two bindings! Though I've never taken a binding totally off yet...I would if I didn't like it. (smiles)V

  2. that is a great graphic way to see the impact that color has on the whole!
    LeeAnna Paylor
    Not Afraid of Color!

  3. Yes, I have removed the binding before, after the quilt was completely finished!! Just whacked it right off...I love your quilt, both ways!


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