
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday Archives #10 - Cats & Charities

It's Tuesday again. A time to skip down memory lane with a post from the archives.   Today it's all about cats and charities.  I love cats but nothing to show for it.  LOL  So I'll share posts about my local charities.

This post from July 2011 is all about pillowcase dresses for Haiti.  I made a personal goal to make 50 dresses.  There was not enough pillowcases donated, so I used fabrics from stash.  Well, you have to use it somewhere...  It was a daunting job because of all that bias I had to make!


  The post is   HERE along with a
              picture of more dresses

I am also part of an annual school book bag project.  We make 450 bags every year for all 2nd graders in the county.  A quilter friend and I do most of the cutting and prep work of the straps ahead of time. Then we have a mission week at church with more helpers to sew them together.
Many hands make light work.
  HERE  is the mission project.  You'll even find a pic of DH at the ironing board - he was showing off amongst all the ladies.  I've not caught him with an iron since.  LOL 

Here I'll just share a few photos of quilts I've donated.  Most of them go to the children who are admitted to the local hospital. It is our Quilt Guild mission.  A few go for QOV.


I am blessed to have the opportunity to give my creations away to family, friends and charitable causes. It warms my heart.  I am linking up with Val's Quilting Studio where you can visit more quilters charing their cats and charity projects.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. So delightful to revisit all your charitable work.

  2. You are truly a quilt angel! The blessings will definitely come back to you ten fold!!

    1. I was going to comment the very same thing!!! Thank you for sharing your work under our charity theme this week!! You are an inspiring lady Kat!

  3. All nice but the colors of the second one really caught my eye.


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