
Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Over 60's - RSC17 Purple

I'm ready to share my purple block for The Over 60's quilt.  You can read more about this project and where I found my inspiration   HERE  .

Now on to more purple patchwork.  I'm linking up with Angela at Soscrappy.  Be sure to visit there to see what other quilters are making with their purple leftovers.

Have a great weekend.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. This is beautiful! I clicked over to see the blue one as well. Lovely work :)

  2. What a beautiful block. The combination of stitching and patchwork is really striking. Looks like it took forever though -- all those triangles!

  3. What a great way to us up bits and bobs! Just about anything could go in the center, too.

  4. That is gorgeous! The blue one is very pretty too!

  5. I'm agreeing with all of your other commenters! That is just gorgeous! What an amazing quilt those blocks will make.

  6. What a beautiful block! This will be an amazing quilt!

  7. Beautiful! Love the combination for your patchwork block and embroidered center!

  8. Oh my gosh, Kat, that is simply stunning!! How are you selecting the motifs to embroider in the center? This is going to be one amazing quilt!!

  9. What an impressive block! The embroidery pattern fits it so well. Read your blue post. Those tiny blocks would have me in a dither. Good luck with it.

  10. I love how you use the various values of purple. So striking!

  11. Ooh, I love this. The embroidery is a lovely added touch. Clever name too :)

  12. Oh my goodness! That is beautiful. That will be a stunning quilt. I really like the mix of embroidery with piecing.

  13. Stunning! What a wonderful RSC project - it will be fun to watch your blocks grow over the year!

  14. That's a beautiful block. It really caught my eye in all of the sea of purple on the RSC.

  15. Gorgeous block... love this project!

  16. That is really beautiful. I noticed that your embroidered flower is different from the one in the center of your blue block. Lovely! Where did you find your pattern or did you draw it yourself? It's going to an amazing quilt.


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