Friday, February 28, 2025
Friday Quilt Hop * 2-28-2025
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Bear Hug # 5
More delightful little bear hug quilts to share this week. For bear hug #5, I pulled some bricks, blues for RSC and yellow for an accent. I sewed them as leader/enders while stitching on my SAHRR project. I had to trim down parts of the bricks to make the blocks. Then finishing up by cutting alternating squares from a piece of leftover wide backing. It is a nice soft blue print. It measures 24 x 28.
The backing is another piece of that royal blue fleece. I used 80/20 batting and quilted it with Glide threads using one of Natalia Bonners templates.
I also finished bear hug # 2 made last month using pink leftovers from the pink and brown flimsy. I quilted it with very large swirls. The backing is a red fleece. It measures 22 x 28.
Sunday - Quilting is more fun than Housework...
Monday - Small Quilts & Doll Quilts
Monday Musings at Songbird Designs
Wednesday - The Inquiring Quilter
Thursday -
Friday - Alycia Quilts
Wishing everyone a happy and productive week. Thanks so much for stopping by.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Friday Quilt Hop * 2-21-2025
Thursday, February 20, 2025
SAHRR '25 - Round 5
My quilt is getting larger than I wanted it to be. I will have to make Round 6 to be very small. Round 5 called for some form of half log cabin block design. I play in EQ, you would have to in order to do the border you will see here. Initially I began with assorted log cabin style blocks all around the quilt. It was just more labor intensive than I was aiming for.
You gotta love how EQ can create over the top and still make it easy for you. I started with a half log cabin block and popped them in assorted border styles. Eventually I cut it way down to just 4 blocks each side. My quilt right now is 70 x 78. Then I had to re-draw them in the size I wanted because I wanted to eliminate the center seam and make them each one full block. Figuring out the cutting dimensions was confusing trying to convert the two blocks into one, (eliminate seam allowance here; add one on there, etc).
So I re-drew these crazy blocks, there is a different size for the top/bottom border from the side borders. I made my blocks yesterday and sewed them on the sides this morning. I am not going to sew on the top/bottom blocks until I decide what I will do in the corners....trying to not grow it larger at this point.
Not the best photo, too cold to make DH stand outside and it is too large for him to hold it up properly by himself.
You can see what the other participants are creating for their Stay at Home Round Robin at this LINK .
Have a great week. Thanks so much for stopping by.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Lil Blu Bear Hug #4
I pulled 2 leftover pieces from the shelf that went together but not with anything else. The navy was a 15 inch piece and the celery green had 18 inchs, there is still a bit left of that. I had fun constructing this little bear quilt which took every bit of the navy blue print, finishing with a narrow binding made from 2 inch strips. I rounded the corners just a teeny bit, so easy to bind.
I used a dark royal blue fleece on the back and included some batting scraps; quilted with cream Glide thread using the walking foot. What a mistake with dark glide in the bobbin as it kept poking up the top no matter what adjustments I tried. Eventually, just went with it as is. It finished at 22" square.
This little stuffed guy was generously sent to me by an online friend, Dee. Many of you here will know of her. lol.
Sunday - Quilting is more fun than Housework...
Monday - Small Quilts & Doll Quilts
Monday Musings at Songbird Designs
Wednesday - The Inquiring Quilter
Thursday -
Friday - Alycia Quilts
Friday, February 14, 2025
Friday Quilt Hop * 2-14-2025
Thursday, February 13, 2025
SAHRR '25 - Rnd 4
Every Monday morning I spend in EQ8 playing around with possible borders for the new round. This time I settled on a pretty quickly. Now I know there is a quicker, stripset method for making this block style, but I stayed with the plan to cut the fabric apart, insert a strip or two, re-assemble and trim to size.
I started with 4-1/2 inch squares plus the accent strip to be inserted:
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Baby Blue Batiks
I seem to be getting ahead of myself with tops lately and neglecting my machine quilting. This top is unusual it how it came together. A few years ago I was sent a small bundle of batik strips won in a blog drawing. Wish I could remember who it was.
Anyway I know I made something (another flimsy inspired by AlyciaQuilts) from the strips. It's stored somewhere. The cutoffs ended up with diagonal cuts at one end of each and they were saved in my blue scrap bin for ages. This month I decided to do something with them so I joined them all together 'jelly roll race' style. This made up the center panel.
Now what? I had only this one piece of batik that would work with the center. It is very light with blue tints. I searched my stash for something to offset these light shades, so you'll find a mix of fabrics making up this top. The pieces of the light are so large and look awkward. I plan to do some fancy quilting there to make sense of those areas. It will finish about 47 x 56.
I'm joining these linky parties this week. Please be sure to visit them to see what other creative quilters are sharing.
Sunday - Quilting is more fun than Housework...
Monday - Small Quilts & Doll Quilts
Monday Musings at Songbird Designs
Wednesday - The Inquiring Quilter
Thursday -
Friday - Alycia Quilts
Wishing everyone a happy and creative week. Thanks so much for stopping by.
SAHRR '25 - Rnd 3
I have round 3 of my Stay at Home Round Robin project assembled. You can read all about the project and check out the latest creations HERE this week.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Friday Quilt Hop * 2-7-2025
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Bear Hugs # 3
Angela of Soscrappy gave us plenty of notice for the RSC challenge that the color for February is blue. I also made a personal challenge this year to make lots of things with rails or bricks AND I joined the Feb & March challenge at Heartstrings making smallish quilts for a bear/stuffed toys donation drive. Funny how a new year makes you think you can take on lots of new challenges.
Here is bear hug # 3 (#2 pink one is not quilted yet). All cut from the blue scrap bin finished at 24" square.
The backing is a royal blue fleece. I always use batting, so I make sure to not quilt it too densely so it stays cuddly. I used a large arc ruler to fmq quilt diagonally over each 4 patch unit and royal blue Glide thread. I purchased some labels to stitch to all the items I make for our church Foster Children Closet.
Sunday - Quilting is more fun than Housework...
Monday - Small Quilts & Doll Quilts
Monday Musings at Songbird Designs
Wednesday - The Inquiring Quilter
Thursday -
Friday - Alycia Quilts
Wishing everyone a safe and productive week. Thanks so much for stopping by.