Saturday, February 8, 2025

Baby Blue Batiks

 I seem to be getting ahead of myself with tops lately and neglecting my machine quilting.  This top is unusual it how it came together.  A few years ago I was sent a small bundle of batik strips won in a blog drawing.  Wish I could remember who it was.

Anyway I know I made something (another flimsy inspired by AlyciaQuilts) from the strips.  It's stored somewhere.  The cutoffs ended up with diagonal cuts at one end of each and they were saved in my blue scrap bin for ages.  This month I decided to do something with them so I joined them all together 'jelly roll race' style.  This made up the center panel.

Now what?  I had only this one piece of batik that would work with the center.  It is very light with blue tints.  I searched my stash for something to offset these light shades, so you'll find a mix of fabrics making up this top.  The pieces of the light are so large and look awkward.  I plan to do some fancy quilting there to make sense of those areas.  It will finish about 47 x 56.

I'm joining these linky parties this week.  Please be sure to visit them to see what other creative quilters are sharing.

Saturday -  soscrappy

                        Quilting Patchwork Appliqué           

Sunday  -  Quilting is more fun than Housework...

Monday   -   Small Quilts & Doll Quilts

                      Monday Musings at Songbird Designs

        Wednesday   -    The Inquiring Quilter

Thursday   -

My Quilt Infatuation

Friday  -  Alycia Quilts

Wishing everyone a happy and creative week.  Thanks so much for stopping by.

SAHRR '25 - Rnd 3

 I have round 3 of my Stay at Home Round Robin project assembled.  You can read all about the project and check out the latest creations   HERE  this week.

I have  SO MANY  projects on the go because its the beginning of the year and a little birdie whispered in my ear that I could keep up.   Hmmm,  wonder who that birdie was?  He needs to fly south.

Wishing everyone a happy and creative week.  Thanks so much for stopping by.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Friday Quilt Hop * 2-7-2025


Welcome to the Friday Quilt Hop.
I hope you discover new inspiration today.

lots of small projects and gift items; a technique for
drawing faces, make your own satin labels, some assorted
useful bags * more

lots of scrappy block patterns; love the strippy hearts on page one,
follow thru with the 'older posts' button for several pages 
of more free patterns;  LOVE the candy apple blocks on page 2

lots of unique blocks and projects

Wishing everyone a happy and creative week.  Thank so much for stopping by.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Bear Hugs # 3

 Angela of Soscrappy gave us plenty of notice for the RSC challenge that the color for February is blue.  I also made a personal challenge this year to make lots of things with rails or bricks AND I joined the Feb & March challenge at Heartstrings  making smallish quilts for a bear/stuffed toys donation drive.  Funny how a new year makes you think you can take on lots of new challenges.

Here is bear hug # 3 (#2 pink one is not quilted yet).  All cut from the blue scrap bin finished at 24" square.

The backing is a royal blue fleece.  I always use batting, so I make sure to not quilt it too densely so it stays cuddly.  I used a large arc ruler to fmq quilt diagonally over each 4 patch unit and royal blue Glide thread.  I purchased some labels to stitch to all the items I make for our church Foster Children Closet.

and finally  here is Bear Hug # 3  all ready for gifting.

I'm joining these lovely linky parties this week.  Please be sure to visit them to see what other creative quilters are sharing.

Saturday -  soscrappy

                        Quilting Patchwork Appliqué           

Sunday  -  Quilting is more fun than Housework...

Monday   -   Small Quilts & Doll Quilts

                      Monday Musings at Songbird Designs

        Wednesday   -    The Inquiring Quilter

Thursday   -

My Quilt Infatuation

Friday  -  Alycia Quilts

Wishing everyone a safe and productive week.  Thanks so much for stopping by.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday Quilt Hop * 1-31-2025

Welcome to the Friday Quilt Hop.
I hope you discover new inspiration today.

nice variety and lovely scrappy patterns

lots of different string quilt designs, a really fun method for
making a 4 fat quarter baby quilt;  fold a quilt for gift giving
and more 

a few here; a nice holly berries christmas pillow;
a fabric star ornament,  lined tote & more

Wishing everyone a happy and creative week.  Thanks so much for stopping by.


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

SAHRR '25 Round 2

 I pressed onward to get round 2 done for this years Stay at Home Round Robin, so I could return to other projects waiting for attention.  I am really enjoying this colorful, bright project as this is not my typical palette.  The focus fabric helps me pull out all the colors to work in the new rounds.  Fun.

I'm linking up with Anja at Anja Quilts for this weeks challenge.  Be sure to visit there to see what other creative quilters are sharing this week.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

Monday, January 27, 2025

SAHRR 25 - Round 1

 Uh oh.  I know I will confuse everyone.  I did change my center block ............ again!  I just couldn't work with those first two blocks, no contrast, just a mush of prints.  So here is my third and final version of the center block.

Round One was to use the Kings Cross block or any block whose name begins with the first letter of your own name.  Well, that is still a  ' K '  for me.  So I stayed with the Kings Cross block.  I didnt want to make a ton of those blocks, so put them as corner blocks.  Now I had all the rest of the border to fill in.  I carried thru with the geese and love the black with dots print.  So geese are traveling all around the center.  Lots of opportunity for borrowing color from the main print.  I hope it doesn't look too busy.

You can join in or follow along with the 2025 SAHRR by starting here at 
                               SAHRR ’25: Centre Block | Quilting Gail

I'll be joining he SAHRR linky party this week over at Anja Quilts.  I was confused when and where we should link up,  so this is my round 1 entry.  I will be sure to link up Round 2 at Anja Quilts before the end of the week, as well.

Wishing everyone a week full of stitching and creativity.  Thanks so much for stopping by.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Squared Pink - RSC QOM

 January is made for fresh starts and new goals.  I have participated for years with Angela at Soscrappy for the RSC color challenge of the month but only managed to follow along these past two years.  Obviously I jumped out of the gate running this month.  Early in the month I made a pink and brown 'bear hug' quilt.  This week I have been working on this scrappy quilt.  It is 46 x 55 and waiting its turn for my quilting marathon.

I had 2 extra blocks and built up scraps around them until it reached bear hug size.  This one is also waiting for quilting.  It will finish 22 x 28.

I'm joining these lovely linky parties this week.  Please be sure to visit them to see what other creative quilters are sharing.

Saturday -  soscrappy

                        Quilting Patchwork Appliqué           

Sunday  -  Quilting is more fun than Housework...

Monday   -   Small Quilts & Doll Quilts

                      Monday Musings at Songbird Designs

        Wednesday   -    The Inquiring Quilter

Thursday   -

My Quilt Infatuation

Friday  -  Alycia Quilts

Wishing everyone a joyful and productive week.  Thanks so much for stopping by.