Part 2 - Joining the Hexagons
This is all the supplies you need to make one diamond!
- strong quality cotton thread
- fine sewing needles
- scissors
- thread conditioner (opt)
- fridge magnet (opt)
- 9 pre-basted hexagons in printed fabrics
- 7 pre-basted hexagons in white fabric
I begin by sewing my pieces into the grandmothers flower garden pattern. Then, I add the two hexagons on the ends. Finally, I'll add the white 'path' pieces. When the diamonds are joined together, the white path will make a smooth path, diagonally in both directions, around the diamonds.
Overcast Stitch
Step 1 |
I use a fine quilters knot on the end of a single strand of cotton thread.
Weave the needle through a edge of seam allowance, weaving toward where you want to begin joining the pieces.
Begin by joining the first piece to an edge of the center hex, right sides together.
Joining piece1& 2
I use a very tight overcast stitch (at least 22 stitches per 1-inch edge). Insert the needle through the top threads of both pieces, NOT going through the paper template. I still use a slip knot at both edges of the joined pieces, even though I began weaving the thread with a knot.
Join two more hexagons to the center (yellow) hexagon by skipping every other edge.
You can use a continuous thread to join the next hexagon by weaving the needle into the seam allowance and scoot to the next corner.
Now we can insert the other 3 hexagons with continuous stitching along 3 sides for each hexagon.
To insert another hexagon, start at an outer corner, stitch to end of that side;

Align next side in place, this will cause the paper template to fold while you stitch another side.
After you have all six pieces stitched around the center hexagon, it is time to add the final 2 pieces to create the diamond. **For correct placement, be sure your gfg flower is positioned 'on-point'. ** Stitch another hexagon at the top and bottom of the flower. You now have one of the diamond shapes.
Now it's time to add the first white path. Whipstitch 3 white hexagons into a single path.
Whipstitch this white piece to the side of your diamond, so it is positioned exactly as in this picture.
Whipstitch another white path of 4 hexagons. Whipstitch this piece to the right side of the diamond, in the exact position displayed here.
Flip the diamond over and remove the 4 templates which are in center and surrounded by other templates on all edges.
When you join completed diamonds together in diagonal rows, the pieces will interlock together.
You will find Part I Tutorial - Supplies and Basting here: