Wednesday, January 29, 2025

SAHRR '25 Round 2

 I pressed onward to get round 2 done for this years Stay at Home Round Robin, so I could return to other projects waiting for attention.  I am really enjoying this colorful, bright project as this is not my typical palette.  The focus fabric helps me pull out all the colors to work in the new rounds.  Fun.

I'm linking up with Anja at Anja Quilts for this weeks challenge.  Be sure to visit there to see what other creative quilters are sharing this week.

Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. This is coming along so well, Kat; love the colors and those free wheeling stars are
    really lovely.. nice work hugs, Julierose

  2. Your quilt is looking wonderful. The color palette is pretty.

  3. That floral print is giving a real groovy vibe!!! Cute!!!

  4. There's nothing more fun than having no limit on colors to use! Your quilt is looking great!


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