Saturday, June 22, 2024

It's a Block Party !

 I didnt have a flimsy or finished quilt to share so ....... I'm having a block party of blocks made over the past several weeks.

This is the lovely feathered star block which finishes at 24 inches.  It will be the focal point of my Mystery Stars QAL offered by   Jelly Roll Club - Mystery Stars Sampler Quilt (  This one was a challenge and once may just be enough.

These two blocks were just squares play time.  I do have a plan .....

These remaining blocks are all from the London Calling BOM from

The first block is segments for the Tower Bridge

This block is for the Underground Railway

and finally all the pieced segments for the 2023 Summer Mystery shared by Grid Girls on Facebook.  I call my project Plum Pudding ...............

With all this piecing going on, it's no wonder I don't have a quilt finish to share.  I'm joining these lovely linky parties this week.  Be sure to visit them to see what other creative quilters are sharing.

Saturday -  Quilting Patchwork Appliqué

                        soscrappy (

Sunday  -  Quilting is more fun than Housework...

Monday   -   Small Quilts & Doll Quilts

                      Monday Musings at Songbird Designs

        Wednesday   -   Quilt Fabrication

The Inquiring Quilter

Thursday   -

My Quilt Infatuation

Friday  -  Alycia Quilts

Wishing you all a safe and productive week.  Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. WOW!! You have so many lovely projects going, Kat;))) That feathered star is just amazing--beautifully worked. I can see why one may be just enough haha..
    Such a challenge that you met so well!! Hugs, Julierose

  2. While all your blocks look great the feathered star is my favorite.

  3. Some awesome blocks, but the star is fabulous!

  4. Oh, that Feathered Lemoyne star is gorgeous!!

  5. Such lovely projects! That star is simply stunning. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.


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